The Last Time I Make Hand-Rolled Ravioli

It was also the first.

But it was me not you.

To be perfectly fair the ravioli wasn’t half bad, despite more than a few mishaps on my behalf.  But I knew before tasting it that it wouldn’t be worth the work.  You see, the pasta maker didn’t make the ‘small kitchen essentials’ cut, and hand rolling ravioli to ‘paper thin’ is a daunting task.

I set out to make this Whole Wheat Spinach Tofu Ravioli last night, as Courtney set out to make our next brew: a Magic Hat #9 Clone.  The dough is simple enough:


  • 1 cup white flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1/2 cup water


  1. In a medium-sized bowl, mix together white and whole wheat flour with salt. In another bowl, mix together eggs, water, and olive oil until fully incorporated.
  2. Slowly pour egg mixture into bowl of flour and mix until easy to handle. Knead dough by hand until elastic – about five minutes. Let rest for 30 minutes.
The dough

I decide to use ricotta for the filling, because I had some on hand that needed to be used.  I also added some mozzarella.  Then I decided it seemed bland, so I went about adding onion powder, salt, pepper and some parmasean.

1/2 pounds soft silken tofu
10 oz package frozen spinach, thawed and drained
1 Large Egg, beaten
1 cup ricotta
2 oz mozzarella
fresh basil, minced – $0.15
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp salt
pepper, to taste
several cloves garlic, minced

Mix these ingredients in a bowl. So far, so good.

Now the pain begins.

This would be where I went wrong (besides having thought that making these was a good idea).  See these lovely, hand formed ravioli?  Well, by the time I finished making them all the once lovely raviolis on the bottom, were no longer lovely.  In fact calling them ravioli is a stretch.  “Ball of melded together dough, spinach, ricotta and tofu” is more accurate.

When I started this blog, I promised I would show you the hits AND the misses...
...and I am a woman of my word.

All was not lost, the top half were certainly salvageable, and being a staunch advocate of not wasting food, I stuck said “ball of melded together dough, spinach, ricotta and tofu” in the oven.  I won’t lie, it was really good. But I wanted beautiful ravioli, not baked “ball of melded together dough, spinach, ricotta and tofu.”

This recipe makes a lot of ravioli. And for some reason, we have at least half of the spinach mixture left over, so I will have to find something to do with that (I will give you a hint… it won’t be more hand-rolled ravioli!)


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