First and foremost: Germany beer. Thanks to Reinheitsgebot (the “Germany Beer Purity Law”) German beers may only contain water, malt and hops. This is a typical dark beer and a hefeweizen.Wiener Schnitzel with pommes.
Smoked salmon salad with eggs and potato.
A wide selection of olives in the Christmas market in Traben Trarbach.All sorts of sausage at the Christmas Market.A variety of German Christmas sweets.Very fresh (alive when I ordered it) trout.A traditional German Christmas dinner: goose with a side of stuffing, a baked apple, and sweet red cabbage (not pictured).My recipeless attempt at a German Christmas dessert. Stuffed apple with a side of ice cream, topped with sweet (Spanish) sherry.
A bratwurst and beer in the Traben Trarbach cave Christmas market.