Spinach & Sweet Potato Lasagna Rolls and My Thoughts on Waste
Since making my new year’s resolution, I’ve amassed a to-do list of hundreds of recipes… and man are there some I’m dying to try. But I have a very strict ‘no waste’ policy. Wasting food disgusts me. I have no problem with spending way more money than I should on healthy, fresh ingredients to make beautiful meals at home. We probably spend close to $500 a month for groceries for just the two of us, but really, what better thing to spend money on than what you’re putting in your body? However, if I buy it, I better find a way to use it. Courtney and I are pretty good about not wasting food unless there are visible signs of decay… that can’t be cut off or eaten around. And I save any extra ingredients leftover from all of my recipes.
So instead of picking a new fun recipe to try, I had to find a way to use the extra spinach and tofu mix left over from the ravioli I made last weekend and the extra mashed sweet potato I saved from Monday’s lasagna. The result: the recipe below, a Messy Kitchen original.
Spinach & Sweet Potato Lasagna Rolls
8 oz mozzarella
1 cup mashed sweet potato
9 whole wheat lasagna noodles, cooked according to package
Spinach filling (see bel0w)
Spinach Filling:
Mix the following ingredients together in a medium sized bowl:
4oz soft silken tofu
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
1 large egg, beaten
5 oz frozen spinach, thawed and drained
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/8 tsp salt
2-3 tbsp parmesan cheese
Pepper, to taste
Several cloves garlic, minced
Fresh basil, minced
To assemble:

Bake at 400 degrees for 30-45 minutes, until cheese is melted. If you share my affinity for slightly burnt cheese on top of your lasagna, at this point turn your oven to broil and cook for another 5-10 minutes, or until cheese is browned and crispy.