Kokoda is a variety of ceviche, but instead of lime juice, distilled white vinegar is used to “cook” the fish. I use quotations because no heat is used so it’s not technically cooked; rather, the acid denatures the protein in the fish the same way heat will, making the texture much like it had been cooked using a traditionally method. It doesn’t, however, kill bacteria in the same way heat does so the quality and freshness of your fish is of utmost important for food safety purposes. Coconut milk is used to counterbalance the acidity, and the fish is tossed with finely chopped onions, peppers, scallions and cilantro. I’d never made ceviche before, and Courtney was a little weirded out to be eating it raw, but so far we both seem just fine. This dish is lovely serviced with avocado and a sweet starchy vegetable such as sweet potato or plantain.
Drain and rinse the fish and return to the bowl. Add coconut milk, cilantro, scallions, tomato, bell peppers, and red onion and stir gently to combine. Add the lime juice, salt, and pepper and refrigerate until ready to serve. |