So, we’re training for another Ironman 70.3. We were offered $100 off entry another Ironman after our cancelled race, and what can I say – we have a hard time turning down free money. Flying with bikes was a nightmare, so we chose one we could drive to: Eagleman 70.3 in Maryland. Whereas last time around I checked in every week from official sign-up until race day to tell you all about our training adventures, I haven’t been doing that this time around… because honestly, I’m not so sure it would be any different. We’re using the same training plan, swimming at the same pool, biking on the same trails, and running the same routes.
So far the only differences: colder weather (good for the runs, not so good for the bikes), one of the older gentleman we swim with hasn’t been at the pool (causing me concern), and I’m really over being on a subpar race bike (anyone want to sponsor my next race by hooking me up with one of these?)
Oh, and different balls. Last time we lived on Jen’s chocolate salty balls (link below), but this time I decided I wanted to try cloning Chocolate Sea Salt RXBars. They’re great bars – natural ingredients, good flavor, and a lot more protein than Lara bars. But they’re expensive, and too big to eat a quick bite of on the run. So I decided to make them at home, in ball form. My first batch was delicious, but too gooey to eat on the run. The second time around I tweaked the recipe a bit, and they’re perfect. Seriously, it’s like eating truffles or fudge, but it’s good for you.
Looking to make your own energy balls? Hre are some other favorites: