Some things, I’d venture to say most things, are even better when made at home. Fig Newtons, Shamrock Shakes, Burrito Bowls. But there are some that should really be left up to...
September has been a very popular birthday month at work. We’ve had 1-2 birthdays a week, and that’s in my department alone! Some people like to celebrate birthdays more than...
This roasted veggie salad is the perfect way to make use of your late summer bounty. Or your bounty from any part of the summer, really, as what vegetables you...
Sometimes you just want some sautéed vegetables for dinner. Wrapped with steak. Sorry my veggie friends, this recipe is not for you. Although you kind of want it, don’t you?...
After last year’s inaugural Dîner en Blanc, D.C. I was eager to do it all over again this year. But this time, I was going to do it right. I’d already...
The Washington Post recently ran an interesting piece rethinking salad. They argue that for all the resources that go into growing lettuce, it provides pathetically few nutrients or calories. Essentially, it uses...
“I like these new beefed up salads you’ve been making.” That was Courtney’s response to panzanella, which would more accurately described as “breaded up.” Panzanella is a Tuscan dish, traditionally composed...
Saturday night I had a craving for Spanish food. This isn’t particularly unusual, seeing as manchego with olives and a Spanish tortilla are comfort food for me in a way...
Potatoes are treated like the ugly stepchild in our household. Hubby won’t touch them with a ten foot pole unless they’re sliced thin and heavily fried and or/covered in cheese…...
Last week, we were excited to finally try Belga Café’s monthly beer dinner. While I used to be somewhat of a regular, I haven’t been to Belga since they stopped doing...
Oh man, where have I been! Well, I started a new job last week, which I’m really excited about. My day job now also involves talking and thinking about food...