Georgian khachapuri has been on my to-do list for some time now, which is kind of ironic because I’d never actually had it before. I think I first saw Compass...
As President Obama leaves office, it truly seems like the end of an era – and for me the only one I’ve ever really known. It feels like a lifetime ago – but...
After a series of meat-heavy meals, I found myself craving the fresh crunch of a good salad. Flipping through the Jerusalem cookbook, this recipe caught my eye. Described as a...
‘ Today I’m bringing you two recipes for the price of one! They go so well together I couldn’t bear to separate them. Both come from a beautiful cookbook written...
My life can be divided into to two eras: the foodie days and the pre-foodie days. My trip to Ecuador was in the pre-foodie days. While I have wonderful memories of...
Having been to Morocco and tried my hand before at making Pastilla (Moroccan pigeon pie), I decided to go with a Moroccan classic I’ve never maade before: tagine. While “tagine”...
Pepián is said to be the national dish of Guatemala. While many foods can vary between the coastal and mountainous regions of the country, pepián knows no boundaries. You will...
Pho (pronounced “fuh”) is one of the best known Vietnamese dishes outside of Vietnam, and also one of the most commonly eaten dishes within. According to my cookbook, “bowls of...
Welcome to Cambodia! I’m excited to introduce you to Khmer cuisine, because it’s some of the most dynamic, flavorful food I’ve had – salty, spicy and bitter all at the same...
Bibimbap – translating quite literally to “mixed rice” – is perhaps one of Korea’s best known dishes, and something I’ve been meaning to make since my trip to South Korea....
We’re starting our culinary journey in North Korea, where I’d venture to guess you haven’t eaten a meal. Since foreign visitation is strictly limited, so is our insight on their cuisine....
You may have noticed the recent remodel here in the Messy Kitchen. That was a bit of foreshadowing, if you will. It’s going to be a very worldly year. My...