Monday Morning Training Report: The Taper (Holy SH*T it’s RACE WEEK!)

HOLY.COW. It’s race week, guys. I have so many feelings. Mostly terrified. Okay, maybe that’s dramatic. But I’m pretty dang nervous. We’ve worked really hard for this, and let’s be real: the prospect of failure is scary That’s what race nerves ultimately come down to. I’m also feel a super overwhelmed with all we have to do before we go, and feel a little unprepared – I’ve still not completely worked out my hydration and nutrition plan for the race (aka I don’t have one). But we’re going to find a way to get it all done. It’s time to take a deep breath and trust the training. And maybe even enjoy ourselves while we’re at it.
Work 11 Training Recap:
Monday – yoga & strength training (arms and abs)
Tuesday – 48 minute run (5.3 miles)
Wednesday –1.9 km swim (38 laps)
Thursday – 40 minute run (4.3 miles)
Friday – yoga
Saturday –1 hr BRICK (32 min bike/24 min run)
Sunday – 90 min ride
Total time: 6.5 hrs
Swimming: Only got one swim in this week, since the pool was closed on Monday. We’ve been keeping a close eye on water temperature to see if it will be wet suit legal. If so, I plan to wear one (thanks to Stephanie!) but Courtney doesn’t. The water temperature in Lake Pontchartrain actually increased over the last few days due to warmer waters being pushed into the lake from Hurricane Nate. Right now, the wind is projected to be 10 miles per hour. Definitely hoping the water isn’t this choppy on race day.
Biking: We decided to stick with Haines Point laps for the very short BRICK workout and the Sunday long ride, since both were quite short. I made a last minute decision to try out cage pedals, so I tried those out this weekend. I felt really comfortable using them, so I’m going to use them for the race. Thursday, we’re going to be taking the bike apart and packing it up. Natalie has been kind enough to lend us a bike box and tools and help us pack it up – in exchange for beer of course! Once we get to New Orleans, we’ll reassemble and try to get a safety check from a bike mechanic.
Running: This was definitely the biggest difference – no long run this week! We did add a little bit of distance to make it worth the shower, but the focus has been on resting the legs. Since the run is last, it will be the hottest leg of the day – which is unfortunately looking to be a high of 81 with 76% humidity. This could present a challenge.
Week Ahead:
Monday – 1.4 km swim (28 laps)
Tuesday – 1 hr bike
Wednesday – 1.3 km swim (26 laps)
Thursday – 30 minute run
Friday – rest day!
Saturday –20 min bike
Sunday –RACE DAY!!!
Meal plan: tofu scramble tacos with avocado for breakfast; tempeh sandwiches with apples we picked this weekend, jam and cheddar; cranberry apple chicken thighs (more apples from this weekend!); apple cinnamon energy bites
Well, that’s a wrap! My next report will be a race recap. Wish us well!
Can’t wait to read the race recap. I’m sure you guys are gonna crush it!!