A Look Back at 2016: Best Recipes & Best Memories

In preparing to write this post, I looked back at some of my past ‘year in review’ posts, as I often do. As I read my recap of 2015, I thought to myself, “how do I beat that?” 2015 was a wild year, filled with adventure and a lot of change. It was exciting and dynamic, but it also brought a lot of uncertainty that at times was beyond stressful. On the flip side, very little about my life fundamentally changed in 2016. But what I realized was that the constants are all pretty damn awesome. I entered a new decade surrounded by amazing friends. My home is messy, but filled with love. My dogs are fat and happy. I get to go to work everyday for a cause I believe passionately in. I’m one course away from being done with my Master’s Degree, and have maintained a 4.0. I’ve accomplished new fitness goals and set new PRs. I’ve continued to make travel a priority. All this is to say, that sometimes it’s a good thing to be asked “what’s new with you?” and to say honestly, “nothing much!”
Not every year is meant to be filled with personal change and the accompanying uncertainty. As I reflect, I actually think it’s been really crucial to have a consistent, positive base in what has in many ways felt like a tumultuous year. If Times Magazine had to put “Most Hated Year in America” on its cover, I think many votes would go to 2016. And it’s about much more than beloved celebrities we lost too soon. There has been a lot of violence in 2016, accompanied by sadness, anger and fear. We’ve had unprecedented political vitriol in our country, and an election that has driven families apart and emboldened a sort of hatred that I’d wanted to believe was a thing of the past. Recognizing that it is because of immense privilege I can say this, I won’t let hate or negativity define my 2016 – because it is in defining the year by positive experiences, adventures, and accomplishments that I harness the energy to go into 2017 armed with positivity, kindness and a drive to do the small things in my power to make the world a better place.
So with that, let’s take a look…
Races: New Orleans Rock ‘n Roll 1/2 Marathon (3:40:36); DC Rock ‘n Roll 1/2 Marathon (1:52:10); Nashville Rock ‘n Roll 1/2 Marathon (1:59:12); Georgetown 10-miler 2-day challenge (1:18:43/1:28:31); Frederick Mission 10-miler (1:18:54); Capitol Hill Classic 10k (47:21); Nation’s Olympic Triathlon, sans swim (2:17:11); Giant Acorn Olympic Triathlon (3:17:42); Brooklyn Rock ‘n Roll 1/2 Marathon (1:45:55); Vancouver Rock ‘n Roll 1/2 Marathon (1:49:55); 12ks of Christmas (57:20)
Breweries: Waredaca (MD), Southern Grist (TN), Sweetwater (GA), Guinness (Dublin), Bull & Bones (VA), Red Dragon (VA), Sun King (IN); Sierra Nevada, Catawba, Wicked Weed, Wedge, Bhramari (Asheville, NC); Red Truck, Brassneck, Granville Island, Faculty, R&B Brewing, Main Street Brewing Co (Vancouver, BC).
Trips: New Orleans, Atlanta, Nashville, Savannah, Indianapolis, Silver Lake, Miami, Brooklyn, Vancouver, Asheville, Dublin. (For Work: Louisville, Kingsport, Omaha, St. Paul)
New Countries: 2
New Cities: 10
New Tattoos: 1
Best Meals: Toups (NOLA), Couquette (NOLA), Milktooth (Indy), Calaca (Brooklyn), Biscuithead (Asheville)
Best Ice Cream: Honey Fig @ Honeysuckle Gelato
Best Bagel: Shelsky’s
Best Burger: Saint Dinette
Best Sandwich: Giovannis Italian Deli
Best New Kitchen Toy: ice cream maker!
Memories from 2016












Top 16 Recipes of 2016 (in no particular order)
Salmon & Avocado Breakfast Salad
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnamon Buns with Cereal Milk Icing
Savory Oatmeal with Kale, Avocado, Black Beans & Smoky Maple Tempeh Bacon
Tandoori Chicken with Curried Pineapple Cauliflower Rice
Roasted Chicken Thighs with Brussels Sprouts, Sweet Potato, Apples, Bacon and Beets
Bacon Wrapped Guacamole Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Curried Tahini Carrot Slaw with Smoky Maple Tempeh
Paleo Chicken, Chorizo & Mixed Seafood Paella
Balsamic Fig Chicken Breasts with Bacon and Creamy Polenta
Antipasta Panzanella
Tahini Mousse Pie with Halva
Sweet Corn Ice Cream Swirled with Homemade Blackberry Jam
Chocolate Fudge Zucchini Cake with Candied Pistachios
Strawberry Shortcake Cheese Cake