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Notes From A Messy Kitchen

Favorite recipes, experimentation, dinner parties, impromptu meals, big hits and even huge misses shared here.

Whole30, Day 12: Valentine’s Day without Wine or Chocolate and My First Dinner Out

Valentine’s Day without wine or chocolate?!  What kind of Valentine’s Day is that, right? Well, it’s the kind of Valentine’s Day you have if your on day 12 of a Whole30.  “Can’t you cheat just for one day?” I’ve had a few people ask.  “Valentine’s Day only comes once a year!”  No, you...

Whole30, Day 10

 According to the Whole30 Timeline I should be feeling:  The Hardest Days. By this point, the newness of the program has worn off. You’ve made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, but you’ve yet to experience any of the “magic” the program promises.  How I’m feeling: This still doesn’t feel...
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